: Home :: Telem-RTA-A :: M502 :: 2014.10.21-develop-01-062906e :
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stable2014/10/21 - 9 year(s)Telem-RTA-A2014.10.21-develop-01-062906eM502spiritDownload

Changes since last version:


2014-10-21 04:46:26 +0300, 062906e Roland Uuesoo  - ignore missing file 'version_brief_msg' (telem)
2014-10-21 04:36:34 +0300, 1159abc Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:telem-gw6 into develop (telem)
2014-10-21 04:36:21 +0300, 304166f Roland Uuesoo  - ignore missing file 'last_version' (telem)
2014-10-21 03:43:31 +0300, 85ed220 Roland Uuesoo  - ubuntu perl update build fix (telem)
2014-10-21 00:10:33 +0300, 9665a10 Roland Uuesoo  - updated Gateway6/source (telem)
2014-10-21 00:04:55 +0300, de78cbe Roland Uuesoo  - TelemObject.h: fix warnings (gwsource)
2014-10-21 00:03:35 +0300, b8bf408 Roland Uuesoo  - add missing file scripts/helper/git-log.sh (telem)
2014-10-21 00:01:42 +0300, 015948b Roland Uuesoo  - scripts/br-all.sh: output to log file (telem)
2014-10-21 00:00:13 +0300, efe78e6 Roland Uuesoo  - scripts/test-suite/ group/profile stop.sh: remove pid file after program has finished (telem)
2014-10-20 23:58:45 +0300, 81431bd Roland Uuesoo  - progress #2207: Build fix, changelog (telem)
2014-10-20 16:37:24 +0300, f6a9ee5 Roland Uuesoo  - fix #2203 Webserver Event Generator Random period ei tööta (gwsource)
2014-10-20 16:36:18 +0300, a592972 Roland Uuesoo  - WebServer: by default WEBconfiguration disabled (gwsource)
2014-10-20 16:35:51 +0300, 78abb28 Roland Uuesoo  - fix #2204, webserver options didn't work (gwsource)
2014-10-20 16:34:48 +0300, bfc4a5d Roland Uuesoo  - Core2/Setup/Option.h: change log output (gwsource)
2014-10-20 16:34:19 +0300, 7470fde Roland Uuesoo  - DatabaseObject.h: Add oldId to  debug output (gwsource)
2014-10-18 15:48:59 +0300, 2735f14 Roland Uuesoo  - Telem protocol: compile fix (telem)
2014-10-18 15:20:29 +0300, 1951a9d Roland Uuesoo  - GW6, RTAA: Telem protocol compile fix (gwsource)
2014-10-17 20:48:35 +0300, c666839 Roland Uuesoo  - updated Gateway6/source buildroot (telem)
2014-10-17 20:24:45 +0300, 3a0e0f6 Roland Uuesoo  - S11telem-config: rm /etc/terminals/* (buildroot)
2014-10-17 20:23:35 +0300, ca16cad Roland Uuesoo  - GWM-BAT fixes (gwsource)
2014-10-17 20:18:35 +0300, e5f3009 Roland Uuesoo  - nightly fixes (telem)
2014-10-17 20:15:39 +0300, fbed250 Roland Uuesoo  - nightly fixes (telem)
2014-10-17 20:12:04 +0300, b89b6af Roland Uuesoo  - current-version.sh: fix if file scripts/files/buildcounter doesn't exist (telem)
2014-10-17 19:51:18 +0300, 12d47d8 Roland Uuesoo  - scripts/helper/get-ppid.sh: export NO_GUI (telem)
2014-10-17 19:51:05 +0300, b862ce7 Roland Uuesoo  - nightly build fixes (telem)
2014-10-17 18:42:54 +0300, a02b891 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:telem-gw6 into develop (telem)
2014-10-17 18:40:28 +0300, 704f40f Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:telem-gw6 into develop (telem)
2014-10-17 18:40:18 +0300, 80006eb Mark Tomm      - fix date timestamp (telem)
2014-10-17 18:39:48 +0300, caa9276 Mark Tomm      - fix date timestamp (buildroot)
2014-10-17 13:45:25 +0300, 46b6293 Roland Uuesoo  - updated Gateway6/source (telem)
2014-10-17 13:41:36 +0300, a08d98e Roland Uuesoo  - progress #2197 GWM-BAT poweroff was always sent with WakeupTime (gwsource)
2014-10-17 13:25:51 +0300, fd0b59d Roland Uuesoo  - Nighly clean build fixes (telem)
2014-10-17 13:25:31 +0300, 22f2e17 Roland Uuesoo  - fix #2202 scripts/ssh/auto-login.sh: failed to copy ssh id when Shared SSH connection was active (telem)
2014-10-16 19:41:12 +0300, a8e8c86 Roland Uuesoo  - updated buildroot (telem)
2014-10-16 19:40:54 +0300, e246ce1 Roland Uuesoo  - GW6e: modprobe ftdi_sio vendor=0x0403 product=0x6015 (buildroot)
2014-10-16 19:40:24 +0300, 42061f9 Roland Uuesoo  - GWM25: fix /usr/local/bin/telem/genhwinfo.sh: .: line 5: can't open '/usr/local/etc/telem/hw/usb_interfaces' (buildroot)
2014-10-16 19:39:07 +0300, 097717e Roland Uuesoo  - /etc/init.d/fetch-update: check md5sum after download (buildroot)
2014-10-16 19:38:30 +0300, 91e48f9 Roland Uuesoo  - GW6e: lan board support files, swap ETH3&4 (buildroot)
2014-10-16 19:07:39 +0300, 0b24a31 Roland Uuesoo  - fix #2001 RS232 kaudu terminal port (buildroot)
2014-10-16 18:10:25 +0300, 47ea541 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:telem-gw6 into develop (telem)
2014-10-16 18:10:19 +0300, e621483 Roland Uuesoo  - scripts/ssh/send-update.sh: remove debug msg (telem)
2014-10-16 17:38:35 +0300, b6f3e10 Roland Uuesoo  - scripts/ssh/send-update.sh: filter files with path publish (telem)
2014-10-16 16:47:17 +0300, ee6b0d1 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-terminal (buildroot)
2014-10-16 16:30:30 +0300, 386bff4 Roland Uuesoo  - updated Gateway6/source (telem)
2014-10-16 16:28:12 +0300, da4d625 Roland Uuesoo  - GWM-BAT: send next wakeup when system boot, build fix (gwsource)
2014-10-16 15:16:19 +0300, ae42230 Roland Uuesoo  - updated Gateway6/source buildroot (telem)
2014-10-16 14:52:06 +0300, 8b08406 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:GwSource into develop (gwsource)
2014-10-16 14:51:34 +0300, 0ccdf6b Roland Uuesoo  - GWM-BAT: send next wakeup when system boot (gwsource)
2014-10-16 14:50:46 +0300, c8523bb Roland Uuesoo  - Webserver: start webserver when core configured (gwsource)
2014-10-16 14:50:04 +0300, ec3e71c Roland Uuesoo  - CChannel::CoreConfigured() trycatch (gwsource)
2014-10-16 14:49:38 +0300, 9a52230 Roland Uuesoo  - object initialization order (gwsource)
2014-10-16 14:48:37 +0300, df8d882 Aivar Liimets  - iptables: default ACCEPT all (telem)
2014-10-16 14:42:10 +0300, 6941d25 Roland Uuesoo  - EN62056: unfix baudrate switching (gwsource)
2014-10-16 13:56:22 +0300, 3e9ce4d Aivar Liimets  - iptables: default ACCEPT all (buildroot)
2014-10-16 13:39:37 +0300, 0088d31 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:buildroot into develop (buildroot)
2014-10-16 13:36:58 +0300, 83b3fd1 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:buildroot into develop (buildroot)
2014-10-16 13:36:46 +0300, 9f0fc6d Roland Uuesoo  - progress #2186, eth1 eth2 not accessible after default setup (buildroot)
2014-10-16 13:25:41 +0300, 3d318b0 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:buildroot into develop (buildroot)
2014-10-16 13:24:38 +0300, 2045bb3 Roland Uuesoo  - progress #2001, USB serial ports are usable (buildroot)
2014-10-16 13:23:12 +0300, f8301d3 Roland Uuesoo  - /etc/init.d/fetch-update fix (buildroot)
2014-10-16 13:22:03 +0300, db5c6f5 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:telem-gw6 into develop (telem)
2014-10-16 13:21:57 +0300, e3be4d9 Roland Uuesoo  - fix #2193, update pack creation (telem)
2014-10-16 11:15:51 +0300, 382dcec Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: SHA256SUM.log, automount fixes, removed overall storage check, IED size check is enough (telem)
2014-10-16 11:15:06 +0300, 920dbbb Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: SHA256SUM.log, automount fixes, removed overall storage check, IED size check is enough (buildroot)
2014-10-16 08:09:51 +0300, 15a4951 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'hotfix-telem-protocol' into develop (gwsource)
2014-10-16 08:06:28 +0300, c0b6b13 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: fix loss of DI events in event queue if a DO cmd was issued in the middle of fetching events from event queue (gwsource)
2014-10-16 01:19:49 +0300, d540f42 Roland Uuesoo  - fix update pack creator (telem)
2014-10-15 23:08:16 +0300, 54cca59 Roland Uuesoo  - publish firmware to taru scripts (telem)
2014-10-15 22:36:15 +0300, dd2f17f Roland Uuesoo  - Bug progress #2176, ignore SIGPIPE. (gwsource)
2014-10-15 22:32:42 +0300, dc508f5 Roland Uuesoo  - fix #2188, core/WebServer.cpp:217:16: error: 'class WebServer' has no member named 'mIsForbidOutputs' (gwsource)
2014-10-15 22:26:59 +0300, edb40bc Roland Uuesoo  - etc/init.d/fetch-update PHPAPI (buildroot)
2014-10-15 17:10:52 +0300, 67e8878 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'feature-telem-protocol' into develop (gwsource)
2014-10-15 16:49:09 +0300, 1dd038a Mark Tomm      - telem-master: now configurable in GWS via 'Telem v' option (gwsource)
2014-10-15 16:01:14 +0300, 738e82b Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'hotfix-asio-serial' into develop (gwsource)
2014-10-15 16:00:09 +0300, 7123ded Mark Tomm      - asio-serial: fix scheduling Timeout() for mAsioRetryTimer before previous handler has finished executing (gwsource)
2014-10-15 13:19:38 +0300, 2fea9e6 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-telem-protocol (gwsource)
2014-10-15 12:41:45 +0300, b34ca90 Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: added local folder per IED, SD card removal fixes (telem)
2014-10-15 12:41:16 +0300, a9c768d Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: added local folder per IED, SD card removal fixes (buildroot)
2014-10-15 10:27:45 +0300, adf0a87 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: check if timesync on, before dereffing smart_ptr (gwsource)
2014-10-14 13:02:10 +0300, 634561f Mark Tomm      - telem-master: Lots of opts, Dont iterate over all DO's in Event Queue (gwsource)
2014-10-14 10:08:13 +0300, dce06d0 Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: SSH upload fixes (telem)
2014-10-14 10:07:57 +0300, 6f8e774 Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: SSH upload fixes (buildroot)
2014-10-14 09:02:43 +0300, 537d21e Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: SSH uploade (telem)
2014-10-14 09:02:20 +0300, 92da662 Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: SSH uploade (buildroot)
2014-10-13 15:46:10 +0300, b609aca Roland Uuesoo  - updated Gateway6/source buildroot (telem)
2014-10-13 15:45:32 +0300, f1c53a6 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'feature-options' into develop (gwsource)
2014-10-13 15:44:01 +0300, 0b71fce Roland Uuesoo  - PC debug: hide GWMIO (telem)
2014-10-13 15:42:09 +0300, 23c3fa3 Roland Uuesoo  - Fix #2174: fix necessity to remove SD card, to end reboot cycle (buildroot)
2014-10-13 15:38:13 +0300, 7fe32e0 Roland Uuesoo  - GWM: hide Gateway.GWMIO DEBUG and TRACE messages from console/web (buildroot)
2014-10-13 15:35:06 +0300, a164422 Roland Uuesoo  - ftdi/write-eeprom-enable485.sh: fix gpio.sh not found error (buildroot)
2014-10-10 17:04:03 +0300, e9e0903 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: TelemEvent opts (gwsource)
2014-10-10 11:42:54 +0300, 26d6645 Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: SD Card auto mount (telem)
2014-10-10 11:41:31 +0300, 4bea3a3 Aivar Liimets  - COMTRADE: SD Card auto mount (buildroot)
2014-10-09 20:28:36 +0300, 96beb09 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'hotfix-asio-serial' into develop (gwsource)
2014-10-09 20:28:24 +0300, f75d392 Mark Tomm      - fix Bug #2182: Return from Configure() if 'Port Already Open Error' (gwsource)
2014-10-09 19:25:06 +0300, fea9205 Roland Uuesoo  - Before staring update make sure, we have just rebooted. And SD card is not in use by Comtrade feature. Ref #1999 (buildroot)
2014-10-09 19:18:33 +0300, d0578a9 Roland Uuesoo  - Fix #2174: Update via SD card (buildroot)
2014-10-09 19:00:25 +0300, 5a98c5d Roland Uuesoo  - IEC101Balanced: kui linklayer pole korralikult resetitud, vastan data layeri andme pakettidele NACK'iga. bug ref #2181 (gwsource)
2014-10-09 16:33:27 +0300, 16773fc Roland Uuesoo  - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into feature-options (gwsource)
2014-10-09 16:18:29 +0300, 9c183b4 Roland Uuesoo  - libFtdiBitBang.h: BITMODE_SYNCBB -> BITMODE_BITBANG (gwsource)
2014-10-09 15:40:36 +0300, 8881db8 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'hotfix-asio-serial' into develop (gwsource)
2014-10-09 15:39:30 +0300, 5b81a32 Mark Tomm      - fix Bug #2182: throw error in Configure() if port is already open (gwsource)
2014-10-09 15:07:40 +0300, 0724f45 Roland Uuesoo  - libcpp/Communication/AsioPosixSerialPort.cpp: move PortIsOpen (gwsource)
2014-10-09 15:03:31 +0300, 5ebdffe Mark Tomm      - telem-master: minor optimizations - Use PS_INITIALIZE state to init DIs (gwsource)
2014-10-09 14:17:13 +0300, 4d896b2 Roland Uuesoo  - IEC101Balanced: add ForceLinkReset debug messages (gwsource)
2014-10-09 14:15:36 +0300, 7513350 Roland Uuesoo  - Iec101Balanced: to avoid confusion remove 101UB request-class1/2 definition (gwsource)
2014-10-09 14:11:14 +0300, 48597ac Roland Uuesoo  - libFtdiBitBang.h: reorder ftdi functions, doesn't crash anymore. Ref #2121 (gwsource)
2014-10-09 14:08:26 +0300, 98d5586 Roland Uuesoo  - Channel: on remove from polling, close port only if one port (gwsource)
2014-10-09 14:07:21 +0300, aaa27cd Roland Uuesoo  - Iec62056Master: default response timeout - 1500ms (gwsource)
2014-10-09 13:58:41 +0300, 574538d Roland Uuesoo  - Iec62056Messages: reaction time detection (gwsource)
2014-10-09 13:58:09 +0300, b617809 Roland Uuesoo  - Core2/Protocol/Iec62056/Iec62056Messages.h: add auto_ptr typedef (gwsource)
2014-10-09 13:56:48 +0300, 25b8137 Roland Uuesoo  - Iec62056: remove duplicate response timeout timer (gwsource)
2014-10-09 13:56:03 +0300, 4cf4b8f Roland Uuesoo  - EN62056: NextWakeup (gwsource)
2014-10-09 13:55:33 +0300, d1e8c17 Roland Uuesoo  - EN62056: OptionSelect - send no baudrate change (gwsource)
2014-10-09 13:26:34 +0300, 83cb6bd Roland Uuesoo  - Iec62056Master: remove commented lines (gwsource)
2014-10-09 13:25:39 +0300, 83bd8ef Roland Uuesoo  - Core2/Port/Network/IpAddress.cpp: fix for old GCC (gwsource)
2014-10-08 20:15:11 +0300, c179c79 Roland Uuesoo  - GW6e kernel: add missing codepages for FAT/NTFS, unable to mount SD-card. Bug ref #2174 (buildroot)
2014-10-08 18:47:23 +0300, 4dce789 Roland Uuesoo  - WWW info.html: open interface V2 in '_top' target (buildroot)
2014-10-08 18:46:35 +0300, b622164 Roland Uuesoo  - index2.html: remove 'South Pane' text (buildroot)
2014-10-08 16:26:44 +0300, f6fbb05 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-telem-protocol (gwsource)
2014-10-08 16:24:27 +0300, 78c8a4f Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'hotfix-asio-serial' into develop (gwsource)
2014-10-08 16:24:03 +0300, fd2112f Mark Tomm      - telem-master: noticed overlapping when writing. Moved conditional variable. (gwsource)
2014-10-08 16:17:57 +0300, 620d5c6 Roland Uuesoo  - libFtdiBitBang.h reorder ftdi functions (gwsource)
2014-10-08 16:17:35 +0300, a718ff8 Roland Uuesoo  - libFtdiBitBang.h CoreConfigured (gwsource)
2014-10-08 16:16:59 +0300, b6b6da1 Roland Uuesoo  - libFtdiBitBang.h: KickWatchdog in configure (gwsource)
2014-10-08 16:15:53 +0300, 66c477e Roland Uuesoo  - CGateway: add function CoreConfigured() (gwsource)
2014-10-08 16:14:54 +0300, 0d75b38 Roland Uuesoo  - protocolacces: remove unused variable (gwsource)
2014-10-08 15:25:19 +0300, 0da92f3 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: Fix event fetching resume after timesync (gwsource)
2014-10-08 10:56:19 +0300, 5eac1fe Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-telem-protocol (gwsource)
2014-10-08 10:55:54 +0300, 38da25a Mark Tomm      - telem-master: consts (gwsource)
2014-10-08 10:04:06 +0300, 594ecd0 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: removed commented code in TelemEvent.h (gwsource)
2014-10-08 10:03:25 +0300, 040466b Mark Tomm      - telem-master: added TelemAccess class - removed containers from TelemMaster class and fixed objects not turning invalid after connection loss (gwsource)
2014-10-08 01:38:25 +0300, 5e70571 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-options (gwsource)
2014-10-07 19:06:08 +0300, 832ad52 Roland Uuesoo  - fix Bug #2158: Gateway.GWM - Port close: port doesn't exist (gwsource)
2014-10-07 18:55:14 +0300, f4c1225 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-options (gwsource)
2014-10-07 18:43:42 +0300, 5a2f0bf Roland Uuesoo  - Modbus: ASIO serial fix (gwsource)
2014-10-07 18:43:07 +0300, 344d73f Roland Uuesoo  - PosixSerialPort: on error, do not remember bytes (gwsource)
2014-10-07 18:42:22 +0300, d6a6f7e Roland Uuesoo  - protocolaccess: NotTopical (gwsource)
2014-10-07 13:18:18 +0300, 656f586 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: fix DI initialization at startup/after timeout (gwsource)
2014-10-07 12:11:28 +0300, 65d06bc Mark Tomm      - telem-master: fix TS Inquiry 8th address inverted value (gwsource)
2014-10-06 16:16:05 +0300, a20ca13 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-telem-protocol (gwsource)
2014-10-06 15:36:12 +0300, e681105 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-telem-protocol (gwsource)
2014-10-06 12:16:52 +0300, 7dae5b6 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: fix event fetching when only DI's are configured; fix resuming time synd and event fetching after timeout (gwsource)
2014-10-04 22:03:51 +0300, 8bf2009 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: fix timesync waiting for the minute to complete if it has already started syncing. Happened on high communication delays (1000ms and above) (gwsource)
2014-10-04 19:41:00 +0300, c8bb8bb Mark Tomm      - telem-master: event queue controller (gwsource)
2014-10-04 17:34:23 +0300, b235a96 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: minor opt in event parse branching (gwsource)
2014-10-04 17:02:32 +0300, e867d67 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: event parsing code cleanup (gwsource)
2014-10-04 15:38:12 +0300, ec70ec2 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: telem events (with lots of commented code, short variable names etc) (gwsource)
2014-10-03 18:05:06 +0300, 30a1a6c Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-options (gwsource)
2014-10-03 18:04:45 +0300, 7805931 Roland Uuesoo  - Iec62056Master.cpp: NotifyOnWrite (gwsource)
2014-10-03 18:04:05 +0300, f17f73c Roland Uuesoo  - WebServer: option changes (gwsource)
2014-10-03 18:03:14 +0300, c8a0ddf Roland Uuesoo  - WebServer: option changes (gwsource)
2014-10-03 18:01:43 +0300, d04a5b6 Roland Uuesoo  - WebServer: MIME types (gwsource)
2014-10-03 18:01:10 +0300, 71bc0b6 Roland Uuesoo  - WebServer: remove commented block (gwsource)
2014-10-03 17:10:23 +0300, 446ead8 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'feature-options' of phobos.martem.ee:GwSource into feature-options (gwsource)
2014-10-03 17:10:12 +0300, 5368779 Roland Uuesoo  - feature/websocket example (gwsource)
2014-10-03 13:44:40 +0300, 860fc86 Roland Uuesoo  - balanced: link reset logging (gwsource)
2014-10-03 13:43:53 +0300, 314f916 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-options (gwsource)
2014-10-03 13:12:39 +0300, 8976fc7 Roland Uuesoo  - GpioFS: stop application crash when IO not available (gwsource)
2014-10-03 13:05:01 +0300, 986b8a9 Roland Uuesoo  - WebServer: oapi: find core object (gwsource)
2014-10-03 13:04:11 +0300, 655583a Roland Uuesoo  - CProtocol: DeviceNode(rnode) calls Node(rnode) (gwsource)
2014-10-03 13:01:39 +0300, c681866 Roland Uuesoo  - Add protocol device to objectlocator (gwsource)
2014-10-03 13:00:28 +0300, 6a6c1e4 Roland Uuesoo  - Gateway::Setup::Option add Uint32 type (gwsource)
2014-10-03 13:00:04 +0300, d7de0cc Roland Uuesoo  - Gateway::Setup::TOption Loggging (gwsource)
2014-10-03 12:59:20 +0300, bacc94f Roland Uuesoo  - Gateway::Setup::TOption add operator* (gwsource)
2014-10-03 12:58:29 +0300, 9c72daa Roland Uuesoo  - Core WebApi: changes (gwsource)
2014-10-03 12:56:32 +0300, a39075c Roland Uuesoo  - Lexical cast (gwsource)
2014-10-03 12:40:40 +0300, 755e470 Mark Tomm      - telem-master: etapp II initial commit (gwsource)
2014-10-01 15:04:12 +0300, 2e3b6e3 Mark Tomm      - AsioPosixSerialPort.cpp: removed the extra mConnState.Connected() (gwsource)
2014-10-01 13:53:20 +0300, 311103c Mark Tomm      - asio-serial: fixed compiler warning about int & uint comparison (gwsource)
2014-10-01 13:49:28 +0300, 29c0c3d Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'develop' of phobos.martem.ee:GwSource into develop (gwsource)
2014-10-01 13:47:22 +0300, e94e100 Mark Tomm      - asio-serial: use NotifyOnWrite to trigger asynchronous writes; Start read at the end of AsioSerialPort::Configure(); Read handler now invokes the async_read_some caller function; Handle timeouts in AsioPosixSerialPort using deadline_timer and Timeout() function; CheckConnection is now run periodically using PeriodicErrTask with 2 second intervals (inerval may need reconfiguring) (gwsource)
2014-10-01 13:41:17 +0300, 5c1b8cd Mark Tomm      - asio-serial: if ASIO_SERIAL defined, configure all ports in CChannel::ConfigurePorts. previously only Tcp port were configured here (gwsource)
2014-10-01 13:40:04 +0300, 5c2e8e7 Mark Tomm      - asio-serial: PortIoThread::ReadWrite return immediately if using ASIO_SERIAL (gwsource)
2014-09-30 19:38:52 +0300, 97b69db Roland Uuesoo  - fixes (gwsource)
2014-09-30 17:44:11 +0300, 022f648 Roland Uuesoo  - Port.cpp build fix (gwsource)
2014-09-30 14:26:28 +0300, bcc2628 Roland Uuesoo  - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-options (gwsource)
2014-09-30 14:24:52 +0300, 79b5ad5 Roland Uuesoo  - Program options: compile fixes (gwsource)
2014-09-30 14:23:33 +0300, ea2078b Roland Uuesoo  - Add Gateway::Setup::Options (gwsource)
2014-09-29 12:40:59 +0300, 0fee551 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-telem-protocol (gwsource)
2014-09-22 15:49:24 +0300, 0a66832 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: Check data consistency between TC CMD and TC CONFORMATION (gwsource)
2014-09-22 13:33:14 +0300, 31439d7 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: Poll input/ouptut while time sync is being delayed (gwsource)
2014-09-22 12:09:05 +0300, ff50619 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: delay time sync if seconds == 59 (gwsource)
2014-09-20 16:51:55 +0300, 22a92ed Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: minor opts and fixes (gwsource)
2014-09-20 14:10:12 +0300, eef6927 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: fix time sync not sending seconds, time sync separate object, opts (gwsource)
2014-09-20 14:08:16 +0300, bd8a59a Mark Tomm      - telel-protocol: fix source.pro compialtion errors after merge (gwsource)
2014-09-19 12:44:48 +0300, e62229c Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: merge develop (gwsource)
2014-09-19 12:41:15 +0300, 11714af Mark Tomm      - telem-protocl: Timesync + lots of changes (gwsource)
2014-09-17 11:19:10 +0300, 3efd172 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: comments + NextFnToPoll fix (gwsource)
2014-09-16 16:48:05 +0300, 6508a6c Mark Tomm      - tele-protocol: DO working, minors opts (gwsource)
2014-09-16 16:47:34 +0300, 30d6400 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: separate file for TelemObject (gwsource)
2014-09-15 13:03:36 +0300, b401e4c Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: TelemObject additions. (gwsource)
2014-09-14 17:10:35 +0300, 7750436 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: TelemObject (gwsource)
2014-09-12 14:26:44 +0300, 70bfeb5 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: commit before ubuntu upd (gwsource)
2014-09-12 11:56:54 +0300, 8fa0de0 Mark Tomm      - Merge branch 'develop' into feature-telem-protocol (gwsource)
2014-09-11 14:28:46 +0300, 55d237b Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: Wait for ack from controller. EM base (gwsource)
2014-09-11 14:28:06 +0300, e2bd1d8 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: add EM len constant (gwsource)
2014-09-10 14:34:23 +0300, 1a56b4a Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: read inputs (gwsource)
2014-09-10 14:34:01 +0300, 616e15c Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: comments for constants (gwsource)
2014-09-10 14:33:19 +0300, 690ecfc Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: TelemMaster instead of Modbus for development (gwsource)
2014-08-31 14:39:28 +0300, 3ebd71e Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: initial db access included, constants, initial fns (gwsource)
2014-08-25 16:32:08 +0300, 6a7f92c Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: added protocol type to class Protocol (gwsource)
2014-08-25 16:31:17 +0300, f1a29de Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: source.pro file modifications (gwsource)
2014-08-25 16:30:43 +0300, 2ce9520 Mark Tomm      - telem-protocol: initial commit (gwsource)
2014-01-21 11:03:10 -0300, ade9c0c Gustavo Zacarias - wget: bump to version 1.15 (buildroot)