Telem-RTC firmware upgrade

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  1. Erase Flash from the Controller
    1. Connect power supply to the device
    2. Switch ER to ON state.
    3. Wait 5 seconds
    4. Switch RST to ON state
    5. Switch ER to OFF state
    6. Switch PG to ON state
    7. Switch RST to OFF state
    8. Wait 10 seconds
    9. Switch RST to ON state
    10. Switch PG to OFF state
    11. Switch RST to OFF state
    12. The device is now ready for loading a new frame program
  2. To Load a New Frame Program
    1. Extract Firmware files (Provided by Martem AS) to your computer
    2. Install “AT91 In-system Programmer” running “Install AT91-ISP v.13.exe”
    3. Specify paths to SAM-BA and bin files in “programmer.bat” file. For instance:
      1. echo Setting path to SAM-BA path="C:\Program Files\ATMEL Corporation\AT91-ISP v1.13\sam-ba v2.9";%path%
      2. echo Setting path to user files path="D:\Projects\RTU_ARM\RTU-T Firmware\V5";%path%
    4. Specify the COM port. For instance if using COM 5 port: set COMIF=COM5
    5. Specify the COM port. For instance if using COM 5 port: set COMIF=COM5
    6. Run “gw6_rtc_programming.bat”(Switches ERASE and PROG have to be in OFF state )
    7. Wait until loading completing green colored message appears
    8. Set default settings by switching.: switch RST ON/OFF state